Pictures & Video

Click on the photo above to see a YouTube video showing the benefits of Piling Guard along with installation information.
Don’t let this happen to you. Use Piling-Guards to prevent wear and weakening of your dock.
Over time, dock rollers causes the grain of the wooden piling to lift & create large sharp splinters, which can snag on people, pets and water sport gear. This problem could have been prevented with Piling-Guards.


Photo of a dock collar that is causing the wood grain to lift off piling with very large splinters. This problem could have been prevented with Piling-Guards.
These pilings are almost completely worn away. This problem could have been prevented with Piling-Guard strips.
Here’s a before & after photo.
Piling-Guards are great for open water, inlets, coves and canals.
Worn pilings can detract from the esteics of the entire neighborhood. Piling-Guards improve the overall appearance of the entire neighborhood.

Click here to go back to Piling-Guard Strips.
Click here for Piling-Guard Testimonials.
Click here for Piling-Guard Installation Instruction page.

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